Wednesday, May 24, 2023




 by J Heard  available here:  

Can you make the above more elaborate and use a  numbered notation for different levels like 1, 1.1, 1.1.1  etc

The ACER Critical Thinking Skill Development Framework12345 is a comprehensive guide to developing critical thinking skills in educational and professional settings. The framework is organized into different levels, each with its own set of sub-levels, to help learners progress from basic to advanced critical thinking skills.

The levels are numbered as follows:

  1. Level 1: Basic Recall
    1.1 Level 1.1: Remembering

    1.1.1 Level 1.1.1: Recognizing
    1.1.2 Level 1.1.2: Recalling
    1.2 Level 1.2: Understanding
    1.2.1 Level 1.2.1: Interpreting
    1.2.2 Level 1.2.2: Exemplifying
    1.2.3 Level 1.2.3: Classifying
    1.2.4 Level 1.2.4: Summarizing
    1.2.5 Level 1.2.5: Inferring
    1.2.6 Level 1.2.6: Comparing
    1.2.7 Level 1.2.7: Explaining.

  2. Level 2: Application
    2.1 Level 2.1: Applying

    2.1.1 Level 2.1.1: Executing
    2.1.2 Level 2.1.2: Implementing

  3. Level 3: Analysis
    3.1 Level 3.1: Analyzing

    3.1.1 Level 3.1.1: Differentiating
    3.1.2 Level 3.1.2: Organizing
    3.1.3 Level 3.1.3: Attributing
    3.1.4 Level 3.1.4: Decoding
    3.1.5 Level 3.1.5: Examining

  4. Level 4: Synthesis
    4.1 Level 4.1: Synthesizing

    4.1.1 Level 4.1.1: Generating
    4.1.2 Level 4.1.2: Planning
    4.1.3 Level 4.1.3: Producing

  5. Level 5: Evaluation
    5.1 Level 5.1: Evaluating

    5.1.1 Level 5.1.1: Checking
    5.1.2 Level 5.1.2: Critiquing

The framework provides a clear and structured approach to developing critical thinking skills, which are essential for success in the 21st century. By following the framework, learners can progress from basic recall to advanced evaluation, enabling them to think critically and make informed decisions in all aspects of their lives.

How can the ACER framework be applied in educational settings

The ACER Critical Thinking Skill Development Framework can be applied in educational settings to help students develop critical thinking skills. The framework provides a structured approach to developing critical thinking skills, which can be applied to any subject. The framework is organized into different levels, each with its own set of sub-levels, to help learners progress from basic to advanced critical thinking skills. Teachers can use the framework to design lessons and assessments that promote critical thinking skills. They can also use the framework to evaluate students' critical thinking skills and provide feedback for improvement. By incorporating the ACER framework into their teaching, educators can help students develop the essential skills they need to succeed in the 21st century. 12345

The ACER framework defines "basic recall" as the first level of critical thinking, which involves remembering and recalling information. This level is numbered as Level 1 and has two sub-levels: 1.1 Remembering and 1.2 Understanding. The sub-level 1.1 Remembering includes two sub-sub-levels: 1.1.1 Recognizing and 1.1.2 Recalling. Recognizing involves identifying information that has been previously encountered, while recalling involves retrieving information from memory. The sub-level 1.2 Understanding includes seven sub-sub-levels: 1.2.1 Interpreting, 1.2.2 Exemplifying, 1.2.3 Classifying, 1.2.4 Summarizing, 1.2.5 Inferring, 1.2.6 Comparing, and 1.2.7 Explaining. These sub-sub-levels involve different ways of processing and understanding information, such as interpreting the meaning of information, exemplifying it with examples, classifying it into categories, summarizing it in a concise way, inferring meaning from it, comparing it to other information, and explaining it in one's own words. The ACER framework does not provide specific measures for basic recall, but it can be assessed through various methods, such as multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, and recall tasks. 123

Sub-level 5.1.2 of the ACER Critical Thinking Skill Development Framework12345 is called "Critiquing" and involves evaluating the quality and credibility of information, arguments, and evidence. This level is numbered as Level 5 and has two sub-levels:

  1. Level 5: Critiquing
    5.1 Level 5.1: Evaluating Arguments
    5.1.1 Level 5.1.1: Assessing Credibility
    5.1.2 Level 5.1.2: Evaluating Quality

The sub-level 5.1 Evaluating Arguments includes two sub-sub-levels:

5.1.1 Assessing Credibility involves evaluating the reliability and trustworthiness of sources of information, arguments, and evidence.

5.1.2 Evaluating Quality involves assessing the strength and weakness of arguments and evidence, identifying logical fallacies, and evaluating the relevance and sufficiency of evidence.

By mastering these sub-sub-levels, learners can develop the essential skills they need to evaluate and critique information, arguments, and evidence, and make informed decisions based on sound reasoning and evidence.

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